Do your employees have to take a break?

Many employees choose not to take a break in their working day, in fact ACAS research shows that less than a third of UK workers take an hour off for lunch.

We’ve all done it, and at the time we pride ourselves on being conscientious, and working through to get the job done, and really where’s the harm?
Well, as employers, there are few things to bear in mind.

There’s obviously a legal perspective which is covered below, but also there is much research showing that taking regular breaks can make people happier, more focussed and more productive, surely this is what we want from our employees?

But down to the legal stance on the matter:

• The Working Time Regulations stipulate that all employees who work for more than six hours in a day are entitled to a rest period of at least 20 minutes. Employees should be encouraged to move away from their work station for this period, and take a complete break from work.
• Different rules apply for young workers under the age of 18, who must take a break of at least 30 minutes if they work for more than 4.5 hours in a day.
• You are not required to pay your employees for this period of rest.
• You are also not required to “police” your employees to ensure they take the break, so you don’t need to be keeping a record of who takes a break and for how long, but your employment policies should make it very clear that your employees are expected to take a break.
And of course, being a good caring employer, and bearing in mind the research noted above on the benefits, why wouldn’t you actively encourage your employees to leave their desk or down their tools and take some time out. Even better, lead by example !

Latest HR legislation changes and updates

It’s our aim to keep you up-to-date with forthcoming changes in employment law, and tell you ‘in a nutshell’ what this means for you. So here is what’s happening currently or in the near future.

On its way in 2015…

Shared Parental Leave (SPL) – April

This new scheme takes effect for parents (or adopters) whose babies are due on or after 5th April 2015, and enables mothers to share 50 weeks of their 52 weeks maternity leave (and 37 or their 39 weeks statutory maternity pay) with their partner. It seeks to move away from the current inflexible arrangements for maternity and paternity leave and create a more equal system allowing both parents to assist with childcare and keep a strong link with their workplace. The mother and her partner can take their leave together if they wish, or in succession.
This means that from 5th April, you could receive a request from your employee to take SPL so we recommend that you start reviewing and updating any existing maternity, paternity and adoption policies, and prepare a policy and procedure for SPL.

Fit for Work Service – rolling out through 2015

This is a free government service that aims to help you manage sickness absence in your workplace, and provide you with access to an occupational health service that is free of charge.  You will be able to make a free referral for an occupational health assessment for employees who have reached 4 weeks of sickness absence, thereby receiving advice and recommendations get your employee back to work.
There will be a phased roll out of the referral service with further details likely to be announced soon, so we will keep you up to date.  At this point we recommend you review any existing sickness absence policies to reflect this new service.

Pensions Auto-enrolment – impacting SMEs from 2015

You’ll have already seen information on this from us, but just as a reminder this is starting to impact smaller organisations from now and takes at least 12 months planning time.  Every organisation employing people (even just one) will have a Staging Date, which is when you need to have implemented your auto-enrolment by.  It’s easy to find out when your Staging Date is so we urge you to do this and work back from there.  Just enter your PAYE reference into the Pensions Regulator tool.

Holiday Pay

It’s worth mentioning this topic as you’ll have probably heard lots in the media.  Late last year in a UK Employment Appeal Tribunal case (Bear Scotland versus Fulton), the courts ruled that holiday pay should include both guaranteed and non-guaranteed overtime.  The government has since taken action to reduce the potential cost of huge backdated claims on employers by limiting backdated claims to 2 years.  These changes apply to claims made on or after 1st July 2015.

Summary of changes from 2014

Just as a reminder, here’s the key changes from last year.  Just contact us if you require further information or support updating your current policies and procedures.

  • Increased penalties for employers who do not pay the minimum wage (current standard adult hourly rate is £6.50).
  • Early conciliation of dispute claims by ACAS prior to employment tribunal claims.This has reduced tribunals by 80%.
  • Increased penalty up to £20,000 for illegally employing an immigrant – are your employment checks in place?
  • The right to request flexible working extended to all employees with 26 weeks’ service.
  • A mother’s partner has the right to take unpaid leave to attend two antenatal appointments.
  • A new employment allowance to reduce employers NI contributions bill.